The Target Account Selling Marketing Framework® Deployment Plan

The deployment format will consist of a Concept Learning session, followed by actual Implementation. The final output will be a tailored Business plan & Sales strategy for the company.

  • Sales & Marketing Audit (2 days)
  • Concept Learning (Training, 1 day)
    This will give an overview of the whole TASMF & share the key concepts & terminologies within each of the three modules. The session is intended for the company management & all sales & marketing related personnel
  • Implementation (Hands-on sessions, 3 days)
  • Business Plan Execution (1 day by sales person, product manager & marketing manager person)
  • Recommendation to management (1 day)
  • Controlling, correction & feedback (2 days)

This will deep dive into each of the 6 modules & apply the company business data to all relevant templates of the framework. The objective is to formulate the company business plan. The target audience will be the sales & marketing personnel involved in the daily business operations.